Thursday 23 May 2019

Be Alert. You Probably Need Better Graphic Design Now

It can be a major business mistake to not regularly evaluate how effective your packaging and marketing materials graphic design measures up to competition. For most businesses this is the primary where you got potential customers compare your product the alternatives they have.

This makes it tough to know if you need better graphic design. That is unfortunate. Graphic design is directly involved in virtually everything potential and actual customers see. If you are a consumer product, it is your packaging. If you are a business product, it can be your trade booth, packaging, and/or marketing materials.

Great graphic design is required to make sure that every customer facing aspect of your product is the very best it can be. You want your graphic design to do a better job of persuading customers to buy your product than the job your competitive products are doing to persuade your customers. While your graphic designs may not be the only way potential customers evaluate your product when making a purchase decision, it frequently is one of the most important that they evaluate. This makes it very important if you want to build your business.

So, how can you know?

Put your customer facing designs side-by-side with all of your competition. Then go through this checklist and see where you net out.

Compare package design: evaluate them qualitatively by evaluating them in side-by-side comparisons in the same environment customers see them. What is your eye go first? What's the first message you get from all of the packages looked at individually?

Compare marketing materials: which materials have the best message that is easiest to read? Which materials suggest the highest quality and the best performance? Which materials are best telling potential customers why they should buy a product instead of any other?

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